Leading with Purpose for a Greener Future

As CEO of smpl Design Studio, being a passionate lover of our environment for years and years, I made the decision 24 months ago for our firm to join 1% for the Planet. We firmly believe in Yvon Chouinard’s guidance and all that he’s done for society over the last several decades, and we wanted our firm to be a part of that positive change. With that commitment, we donate 1% of our company’s gross sales to amazing organizations that mean the world to not just me personally, but our team members as well.

In December of last year, to top up our donations for the 2023 Calendar year, we reached out to our 20 team members and asked them who THEY wanted to support. Julia Krulicki, a designer here at smpl, picked the Resilience Institute. It is so powerful for us as a team to make a difference, and make a difference TOGETHER!! Every small step that we all take can make a massive difference as a whole for our society. Julia’s message to me was this:

My pick for this is the Resilience Institute. This is an awesome initiative, and as part of our company, I’m so excited to get to choose a company to donate to.

On a daily basis, in our work: we push to introduce our clients to new and innovative ideas that they can install on their new custom homes we’re designing them. These items can be focused on solar heating and cooling initiatives, homes orientation for natural light and minimization of light fixtures during the day, solar panels, geothermal heating and cooling solutions, green roofs, super insulated building envelope and window technologies, use of locally sourced products and most importantly: supporting other companies that have the same core beliefs as ours in the industry.

Joel Tanner, CEO of smpl Design Studio

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